The Methodist Church
Lincolnshire District
Mid-Lincolnshire Circuit
Full details are available on the District website at :- https://www.lincolnshiremethodist.org.uk/safeguarding.html
The aim of the Methodist Church Safeguarding policy is to create Christian communities of love and care, where good practice in this area becomes a way of life. Our policy and procedures, operational from September 2017, have been approved by the Methodist Council and are therefore mandatory.
Prospective hirers should ensure that they comply with our updated requirements.
Should you wish to discuss any safeguarding issues then please contact :-
Lawrie Lambert Circuit Safeguarding Officer
01673 857515
Howard Smedley, Lincolnshire District Safeguarding Officer on
Data Protection
Our Privacy Notice explains how Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain collect, use and protect your personal information. It also provides information about your rights and who to contact if you have any questions about how we use your information.
Lincolnshire Methodist District cares about your privacy and your trust is important to us.
To receive a copy of our Data Protection or Privacy Notices please contact the District Officer on 01522 370126 or go to
Methodist Church Privacy Notice
Individual Churches should ensure that they adopt the relevant policy and procedures, also available are a comprehensive set of role outlines and the required notice board display materials. The Sections that are clearly identified as 'guidance' are regarded as good practice and although not compulsory, it is advisable to adhere to these guidelines.